
Frequently Asked Questions

Is The Listed Price Specific To My Account?

Yes. Once logged into your account, all item pricing is shown specific to your account. If your account has multiple ship-to's (job accounts), there may be different pricing for different ship-to accounts. If your account has multiple ship-to's you can change your active ship-to account at any time in the "My Account" dropdown menu. Be aware that if you have items in your shopping cart or shopping lists, the pricing on those items may change if you change your active ship-to.

What Are Ship-To Accounts? How Do I Use These?

Ship-To accounts are used to set shipping, tax, and pricing information specific to jobsite or stock order scenarios. Some customer accounts have multiple ship-to's and some use only one single ship-to. Ship-to accounts are set up with our credit department. You can't create new, or edit existing ship-to accounts on the online store. Here is a breakdown of different ship-to scenarios and how the online store will handle them:

Accounts That Have A Single Ship-To Account
Accounts with a single ship-to account will see the single ship-to exposed in their account dropdown menu or above the header. The ship-to will be auto-selected on login and checkout.

Accounts That Have Multipe Ship-To Accounts
If your account has multiple ship-to accounts you will automatically be assigned the first ship-to listed on your account on login. If you'd like to change your default ship-to to not be the first listed ship-to, you can do so from the Account Dashboard page by clicking the "Edit Account Info" link in Account Information panel and change your "Default Ship-To".

Customers can change their active ship-to at any time in the Account dropdown menu or above the header on the top of the page. On checkout, you will also be presented with your current ship-to with an option to change ship-to during the checkout process.

Please keep in mind that ship-to's may have different pricing. If you have items in your cart or quick order pads, then change ship-to, pricing may be different.

What Is A Shopping list? How Do I Use It?

Shopping lists are used to save collections of items that are popularly purchased by your company, thus eliminating the need to find the items each time you shop online. Shopping lists are a huge time saver!!! 

There are several ways to create a new Shopping list:

From the Shopping list Page

  1. Navigate to Account -> Shopping lists
  2. Click "Create New Shopping list"

From Product Listing Page or Product Detail Page

  1. Located desired item via category navigation, search or Product Detail Page
  2. Click the "Shopping list" dropdown beneath the product
  3. If you are creating a new Shopping list, click "Create New Shopping list" and give it a title, then go back into Shopping list dropdown and select newly created Shopping list, then click "Add to Shopping list". If you are adding product to an existing Shopping list, click in the Shopping list dropdown, select your desired Shopping list, then add the product to the Shopping list.

From Shopping Cart

  1. Add to Shopping list from Shopping Cart is located under the order summary on the right side of the page. If you are creating a new Shopping list, click "Create New Shopping list" and give it a title, then go back into Shopping list dropdown and select newly created Shopping list, then click "Add to Shopping list". If you are adding product to an existing Shopping list, click in the Shopping list dropdown, select your desired Shopping list, then add the product to the Shopping list.

From Invoice Detail or Open Orders Detail

  1. Add to Shopping list from Invoice or Open Order Detail by using the checkboxes on the left side of the line item. Select multiple line items to be added or click the checkbox on the top to select all. Then use the "Add Selected to Shopping list" dropdown under the Invoice Summary. If you are creating a new Shopping list, click "Create New Shopping list" and give it a title, then go back into Shopping list dropdown and select newly created Shopping list, then click "Add to Shopping list". If you are adding product to an existing Shopping list, click in the Shopping list dropdown, select your desired Shopping list, then add the product to the Shopping list.

You can access the shopping lists from your Account Dashboard, or mouse over "Account" then select "Shopping lists". To edit a shopping list, click to open the desired shopping list. Once you have a Shopping list open you'll have the following capabilities:

Delete Shopping list

To delete a Shopping list, click the "Delete Shopping list Link" on the top left of the screen.

Print Page

To Print a Shopping list, click the "Print this Page" button above your Shopping list.

Upload Shopping list

To upload a Shopping list you must first download an import template by clicking the "Download Import Template" on top of your Shopping list. From there, add the Heritage part # into column A and the desired quantity in column B. File must be saved on your computer as a .csv format. Save the file as .csv on your computer. Return the Shopping list screen (click "Go Back" if you're in an open Shopping list) then click "Upload CSV". You will be prompted to find the file on your computer. Locate the file and click upload. The system will validate that all Part #'s are valid and display any invalid Part #'s in the document. If you aren't finding an item, please contact your local branch for support. 

Export Shopping list

To download your Shopping list, click the "Export Shopping list" button on top of your Shopping list. This will export your Shopping list with all the information so you can use the list to price jobs, charge customers, share with co-workers or whatever purpose you might have.

Edit Name

To edit a Shopping list name, click the "Edit Name" button above your Shopping list.

Change Sort Order

To change the listing order of your products in a Shopping list, click and hold the directional icon on the very left of the line items to re-arrange the items as you see fit.

Add to Cart

To add all item in Shopping list to cart, click the "Add All Items To Cart" button. If you don't want all items in your cart, enter a quantity of "0" on the line item qty field. Items with qty set to "0" will be ignored when you click the "Add All Items To Cart" button. You can reset all qty to "0" by clicking the "Reset Quantities to 0" button at the bottom-right of the Shopping list. If you'd like your default view to have all quantities set to "0", click the "Reset Quantities to 0" button and then click "Save & Close" to save your changes. 

Product Quick View

To preview an item and see larger image or additional images (if available), click on the item title. From there you can click "View Product Page" to visit the Product Detail Page for more information such as specifications and supporting documents. Note: This action will lose any changes that were made to the Shopping list.

Add Line Items

To add a line item to a Shopping list, click the "Add a New Prduct Line" button at the bottom of your line items. Click into the "Product Name" text field and start typing a part #, mfg # or product keyword. The sytem will return relevant results in the dropdown. Select the item from the dropdown to add the item with a quantity of "1". If you'd like to change the quantity, type the desired quantity in the "qty" field and click "Save & Close". You can add as many line items as you'd like to the Shopping list.

Delete Line Items

To remove a line item from your Shopping list, click the trash can icon on the right of the line item. Then click "Save & Close" to save the change.

Make & Save Updates

Whenever you make a change such as sorting, deleting, or changing item quantity, you must click the "Save & Close" button when you are finished to save the changes.

Reset Quantities to 0

To reset all item quantities to "0", click the "Reset Quantities to 0" button at the bottom of your Shopping list. This way, when you are ordering off a Shopping list you can add quantities only on the items you want to add to cart and click "Add All Items To Cart". Items with a quantity of "0" will be ignored and not added to your cart.

Add to Cart

To add items to your cart, click the "Add All Items To Cart" button. Items with a quantity of "0" will be ignored. 

Can I View My Account Invoice History, Statements etc.?

For users that have access rights to view account information, you can use the website to view your account invoice history, statements, and open orders. This access right is reserved for users with a job title of "Customer Admin" or "Accounting". To view your Invoice History, click "Account Tools" then "My Account" then "Invoices." By default, invoices will show the past 6 months of invoice history. If you need to go back further than 6 months, you can change the starting dates on the invoice history screen to whatever date range you desire. Click the link on a specific invoice to view the order details of that invoice. Once in the invoice detail screen, you are capable of adding individual line items to your cart or there is an option to add all items to cart (this is a great way to make shopping lists). Account statements can be viewed by going to "Account Tools" then "My Account" and clicking "Statements". Here, you'll be able to view your account balance as well as a detailed view of what is in current standing within 30 days, as well as what is overdue 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc. Also in the "Account Tools" "My Account" screen is "Open Orders". This will show you orders that are currently processing as well as the stage of the order such as "picked" or "shipped".

Invoice History can be a great tool to create Re-Order Pads! Often times, you can use past invoices to locate items that you frequently purchase. These items can be added to your shopping cart and then converted into a Re-Order Pad from the shopping cart.

Can I Add Other Company Employees To My Account?

Users with proper access rights have a capability to add, edit, or de-activate users in their company. They are also able to create customer user roles that dictate what an added user will have access to. By default, the first user to register for the site is assigned the "Company Administrator" access right with access to all website features. Adding additional users requires a unique email address and a user role that will determine the user's access rights on the website. Be careful when assigning the user's role because if you assign "edit users" access rights to a user, they will have full capability to delete or edit all employees accounts, even yours! You can access the Customer Admin feature from your Account Dashboard or by mousing over "Account" in the main menu and then clicking on "User Management". Here, you will have the option to create/edit User Roles or add/edit users. When a user is added to a company, they will receive an email with a link to set their password. From there they will have immediate access to the website.

Available access rights on User Roles:

Place Orders

View Open Orders

View Invoice History

Edit Organization Information

Manage Users

Hold Orders

Approve Orders

View Account Statement

View Users

I Can't Find An Item I'm Looking For

The two main methods of searching for an item are using the product search bar, or searching by product category. After clicking into a product category or submitting a keyword search, you can then filter down the products by clicking the attributes in the left sidebar. We make an effort to include all stocked items in our online store, however, we have access to hundreds of thousands of products that may not be stocked. If you are unable to find a specific product, please call your branch after submitting your order or enter the item information in the order notes on checkout to add the item to your order. Please keep in mind that there may be additional shipping time or fees when we are special ordering non-stock items for your order..

Can I Order At Different Branch Locations or Heritage Suppliers?

You can place an order at any branch locations where you ship-to is active. Your account will default to your preferred branch location, but you can change your selected branch by clicking "Change Branch" in the header of the website and select any location from the dropdown menu. When you submit your order, it will be processed at your selected pickup branch. If your order contains items that are out of stock at your selected pickup branch, we will source inventory internally to get the item/s transferred to where your order was submitted. There is no need to submit different orders at different locations to fulfill your order.

Can I Override A Shipping Address On Checkout?

You can override your default shipping address on checkout. Keep in mind that shipping rates and tax information may change depending on the location where goods are exchanged.

I'm Tax Exempt. Will The Online Store Reflect That?

The online store does not calculate tax and shipping costs. Tax exempt job accounts will not be charged tax on the online store.

Will I Still Get An Invoice Sent For Online Orders?

When you submit an online order, you will receive an order acknowledgement via email with the details of your order. Once your order is processed and charged to your account, you will receive an order invoice just as you do for orders today.

My Account Is C.O.D. Only. Can I Still Order Online?

C.O.D. Accounts can place orders online, and they will be processed at time of delivery or pickup at the branch.